Kind of Girl
Here's to the girls who stay up until after midnight
Just to cry themselves to sleep for an hour before their alarm goes off,
Who wonder if they're worth anyone's time,
And who think that time is becoming too much for them.
I'm that kind of girl
Here's to the girls who struggle to get out of bed every morning
Fearing the troubles and criticism they get everyday at school,
Who wear long sleeves and jeans in eighty degree weather,
And lost the shine in their eyes they once had.
I'm that kind of girl
Here's to the girls who think about life in the shower
Trying so hard not to cry,
Whose wrists, and thighs, and stomachs burn,
And know exactly what I'm talking about.
I'm that kind of girl
Here's to the girls who self harm, and have suicidal thoughts
Who think they're completely alone in life,
Who are afraid to ask for help,
And end up bottling it up instead.
I'm that kind of girl.
And here's to you;
You're NOT alone
You ARE worth it
You ARE beautiful
You WILL get through this
Please, DON'T ever give up